Post by KANE on Jan 18, 2012 20:03:10 GMT -5
Battle of Village Bridge Much-Needed Interlude
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellspacing,0,true][atrb=cellpadding,0,true][atrb= style, width: 315px; background-color: #e9e9e9; border: 1px solid #a2a2a2;] [style= background-color: #a2a2a2; margin: 1px;] [style=background-color: #e9e9e9; height: 10px;] [/style][style=border: 1px dotted #a2a2a2; background-color: #dddcdc; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 10px; color: #454545; text-align: justify; padding: 5px;] Silence roared through the stethoscope again, and Cecil had to give up. It'd been five minutes, and the man had failed to resuscitate. The battle was raging, and plenty more soldiers and pokemon needed his attention. As much as he hated to give up on anyone, it was clear that Nox would have to lose one more soldier today.
Standing up, putting his tools back into his pack, he got one last look at the man. Probably about his own age, Cecil mused, young and strong and his rib cage completely buckled from some sort of blunt force trauma. He'd worked too long as a medic to sicken easily, but he might never get completely used to the sort of things he saw. The dead man's own Fearow had dragged him back here, away from the fighting, and the bird now stared vacantly ahead, refusing to move.
Leaving the pokemon to mourn its trainer, Cecil walked off to find his next patient. He was too far away from the bridge to even figure out who was winning the battle. Nox was taking a lot of casualties, but he was sure plenty of those Lux bastards had fallen as well. Unova was a blank slate, and Nox needed to make sure its first impressions were positive.
Nox seemed always to have a slight drought of medics, and he found another patient only steps away. His eyes scanned over the woman. She was older than him by a few years, seemed an experienced fighter. Some minor lacerations but no apparent serious injuries. She seemed to be walking alright, at least. Still, she was making a beeline for him.
"Medic! I received a bit of a hit from a poison-type attack, and I believe I have as a result been poisoned. You carry antidotes with you, right?" she said with the calm air of a combat veteran. Oh, thank goodness, an easy one.
"Yes, I've got antidote. It doesn't look like the poisoning's very advanced so far, so you should be alright." Cecil reached into his pack, found one of the vials of antidote he always had on him. Carefully, he handed it to the woman. He'd warn her about the taste, but he doubted this was the first time.
"Thank you, sir!" the woman commented, but Cecil was already on his way. As much as he liked the people he could quickly help, he had to move on. People were dying out there, after all, which did not exactly make this the time to relax. Even if he had more than enough space between himself and the Lux scum, he had a duty to perform.
There was no way Nox would lose this, right? At least they would have plenty of neutral territory to flee into if they lost. No, what sort of hypothetical situation was that? As much as Lux tried to stay organized, they would always fall apart, because that was the sort of thing that made a group predictable. Yes, Nox had this in the bag, he told himself, hurrying to locate more of the injured in need of his care.[/style][style=background-color: #e9e9e9; padding: 2px; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 9px; color: #828282; text-align: center] (words) 530 (tags) alyssa (notes) sorry for taking a while to start this[/style] |
made by zetta
Post by KANE on Jan 20, 2012 17:17:10 GMT -5
Alyssa clutched Weavile tightly in her arms, her fingers moving occasionally as she stroked his bruised body. She hadn’t seen what happened between her dear Sharp-Claw pokemon in the battle until she heard the roof collapse. After managing to get her pokemon out of the house during her battle, she only just succeeded in helping press Lux back, as they still were pressing forward on Nox to prevent them from getting any further. The battle still raged on, and Nox had not been doing well, but she hadn’t paid attention to numbers. To her, it was still anybody’s game. Either team could pull through over the other, thanks to strokes of luck, strategy or a sheer miracle as some would call it.
That was not her concern now.
Weavile was hurt badly and had undoubtedly inhaled smoke. Flygon had been shot in the tail while another bullet glanced off his flank, while Gallade had some electrical burns from his earlier battle against the young woman’s Riachu. All in all, they were still pretty much together, but Weavile was in bad shape compared to the rest of them. Just hold on Weavile, please... she thought, sending her thoughts and concern towards her pokemon as though it would do something. She could see and feel him breathing, but he didn’t seem conscious since he’d been knocked out. He would make it, but he needed help.
Alyssa herself wasn’t doing so great. She’d sustained burns from running into the burning house to rescue Weavile, both on her face and on her arms, slowly burning some of the fabric of her long gloves off. Her hair and cheeks were streaked with charred blackness. She had inhaled some smoke as well, seeing as she’d not held her breath upon entering the house.
Her eyes had managed to find one of the medics that had been identified before the battle for those that were unfamiliar with who was willing to help them as needed. He’d been adressed as a Nurse before, correct? She rushed forward to him, her arms weakening from carrying Weavile so far. ”Medic..!” she shouted, trying to get his attention though he was still a number of feet away. She hoped she was identifying him correctly from the back. ”Please, I need your help...” the burns on her face screamed as she spoke, and she held her breath to speak again as soon as he turned.
Post by KANE on Jan 20, 2012 22:52:56 GMT -5
These days, Cecil responded to "medic" more quickly than to his own name. Even from a distance, he was perfectly alert for just that one word. After all, it was his job. He spun around on his feet, quickly sighted the woman headed towards him. His eyes swiftly scanned over her, looking for the more obvious injuries. Burns to the face, arms, possibly elsewhere. Holding a Weavile, definitely unresponsive and beaten up. Even though her face looked a bit different, thanks to the charred sections, Cecil recognized the woman at once. He'd devoted himself entirely to Nox, primarily in his home region of Hoenn... how could he not? Heading towards him, in need of help, was Alyssa Akiyama, Nox's regional leader for Hoenn. Her injury just set it in stone that this battle was very serious business. He wasn't usually much of an official military sort, but he felt compelled to salute, if very quickly, because he had treatment to do. "Yes, ma'am! Right this way."[/color] He rushed to her side, and then immediately removed his pack of supplies, looking through it for the things he'd need. Did he treat human or pokemon first? The Weavile definitely seemed more seriously injured, and Ms. Akiyama appeared stable and capable of walking around for the time being, but the Weavile was not a crucial member of Nox. As much as he hated valuing any life over another, his allegiances seemed to call to him in cases such as this. Anyway, he didn't want to offend his region leader by prioritizing her pokemon. No, no, no. He was going to ask. "Is the pokemon alive? Can you describe the injuries that both of you took to the best of your ability?"[/color] While waiting for an answer - he hadn't even given her time to get a word in - he prepared treatment for the burns, which were obvious. He'd have to look at them more closely in a moment, figure out how severely trainer and pokemon had been injured, but he had burn ointment and bandages for both parties. The pokemon seemed bruised, as well, just from his cursory looks. He was pretty sure, now, that it was alive. Pokemon healing, at least, was far easier. As with any combat medic, he had Potion in his pack, which would accelerate the Weavile's healing process. His supplies had begun to run low, as they always did, so he might not be able to give a full dose, but it would simplify things a little. All his time in nursing school and now assisting Nox had taught him that injuries, clever as they were, could very easily be worse than they first appeared. Internal organ trauma was mostly the issue of the actual medical tent, to which he'd be sending his leader after field treatment, but he still had to be careful. Burns in particular could be deceptive. Just because Ms. Akiyama could walk and speak now, it didn't mean she might be at serious risk later on if he wasn't careful with his field treatments. [/quote]
Post by KANE on Jan 20, 2012 23:18:41 GMT -5
Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief when the young man responded to the call of his title of the battlefield. His name, from the briefing Nox had gone over before the two forces butt heads, was Cecil, correct? She didn’t want to take the chance of mis-naming him. Although one would argue there was hardly room for embarassmnet on the battlefield, Alyssa still maintained a determination not to embarrass herself or anybody else.
He moved swiftly, making his way over to her as she made her way towards him, meeting her in the middle, practically pulling off his pack of supplies before they met. ”Weavile is alive, I’ve felt him breathing. He’s battered and bruised...nothing new to him...but he’s also burned. He may have some internal damage as far as his ribs go – cracking? Fracture? He fell into a burning house. I’m also concerned about the fact that he was in there for a couple of minutes before I was able to reach him – smoke inhalation.” she spoke quickly, wasting no time in seeking appropriate help for her pokemon.
”As far as I go...I’ll live. Burns and smoke inhalation, as well as some abrasions from bricks.” She didn’t bother mentioning the psychological trauma that had invested itself within her mind from witnessing the accidental death of another pokemon at the hands of one of hers. There was nothing she could do for it now, but once the battle ended, she would bury it in a grave.
Alyssa glanced at the gloves that made their way up to her mid-upper-arm. The relatively thin fabric had actually begun melting to her skin around the edges of the burn. The shingles that had fallen on her were hotter than she’d thought. The worst burn she could see was the one on her arm, though there was no telling what the ones on her cheeks looked like.
”My Flygon was also shot at. One bullet grazed his flank, and the other embedded itself in his tail. Otherwise he is unharmed.” She crouched and placed Weavile carefully on the ground, watching his chest rise and fall relatively steadily, save for a bit of a wheeze that they both shared and an occasional cough from him.
Post by KANE on Jan 21, 2012 23:56:07 GMT -5
Cecil was glad to be dealing with someone who had basic medical knowledge, although he expected nothing less of Nox's regional leader for Hoenn. It saved him the trouble of figuring out what he had to treat when the patient remembered exactly which injuries they'd received. Of course, even Ms. Akiyama might not know all of her wounds with complete accuracy, but that was a job for the medic tent, not him right now. No, he could heal the Weavile first. After all, Karen, his Blissey, had Heal Pulse. It probably wouldn't bring him back to perfect health, but he'd seen the move stem the bleeding in a wound from twenty meters away. It wouldn't get the burn, sure, but Paul, his Chimecho, knew Heal Bell. Not strong enough a move to cure all fire-related damages, but enough to ease the healing process more than some other healing methods. Humans were far more complicated to heal, but Cecil was sure he could do it. He didn't have the medical equipment to treat smoke inhalation with him, but for burns and abrasions he had the proper ointment and temporary bandages, which should help at least in the short term. The burns at least to her arms looked fairly severe, and those to the face only slightly less so, but his field kit only had room for the quick, basic treatments. He nodded in response to her statements about the Flygon. "You can let the Flygon out after I finish up with your Weavile here. I'll get to you in a moment- just letting out my pokemon here so that they can help." He let Paul out first, the Chimecho hovering in the air and looking over Alyssa and her pokemon. Cecil didn't need to say the command. He'd been a medic long enough that his pokemon knew the routine. "Chime~"[/b] Paul practically sang, before emitting a loud but not unpleasant ringing noise. While the humans were completely unaffected, the burned sections of the Weavile's skin already seemed less severe. After giving a quick thank you to his pokemon, Cecil returned him to his pokeball. Cecil loved his entire team to death, but he needed to be as quick and efficient as possible here. Time for affection would come later on, after they'd gotten out of combat. Next, of course, came Karen. Swiftly removing the pokeball in his belt, he let out his Blissey. She had also become used to the routine. It was easy to tell that the Weavile was the intended patient here. Wordlessly, appearing intensely focused, she released a pulse of bright energy which slammed directly into the wounded dark-type. In another context, it might have seemed an attack. Here, however, it was easily visible that scratches had faded, and Cecil hoped that any cracked ribs might have begun to repair themselves. "You did great as always, Karen." Cecil smiled quickly. She could stay out of her pokeball, as she was slightly better than Paul at handing him the tools of his trade. He looked up at Ms. Akiyama. "Sorry for the wait,"[/color] he said politely, even though he knew it hadn't been too long. Pokemon healings were always fairly speedy. "Your Weavile's still a bit scratched up, but he should wake up any second now, and he should be stable. Smoke inhalation isn't the sort of thing I can help with a quick field treatment, so you'll have to go to the medical tent for that. I'll direct you there when I'm done.""Karen, could you get me my gloves?" The pokemon happily obliged, and Cecil rapidly removed a pair Latex medical gloves from the package handed to them, applying them to his hands. He stepped towards Alyssa, getting a good view of her burns. "I'm sorry, I'll need to check your wounds for debris and perform some basic cleaning before I can dress them. Would you like me to inject a local anesthetic?" It shouldn't have even been a question- the pain would be horrible otherwise - but Cecil worried that his leader wanted to get back into the fight, in which case a completely numb arm would not help, not as if a badly burned one would.[/quote]
Post by KANE on Jan 21, 2012 23:56:22 GMT -5
Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief when he informed her that she could release Flygon when Weavile was treated. That meant both of her pokemon would get help, not the one that was most severely harmed. Hoenn’s Leader watched as the Blissey and Chimecho worked at the command of their trainer. Her eyes moved from the two pokemon to hers, and she watched intently.
The sleek, short fur that blended perfectly with Weavile’s skin closed up as some of the smaller burns vanished. The red tissue beneath his split skin became less visible, and some of the larger burns dulled to a darker red, a sign that they were being scabbed over. Closing them up reduced risk of infection and that was vital. The dark bruises visible by miscoloration of his skin remained, but they seemed less severe.
As though on cue with the young man’s words, Weavile’s eyes opened slightly and the Sharp Claw pokemon let out a groan. The first thing he saw was Alyssa’s worried face above him, and she was injured as well. Alarm pulsed through him, but he felt too weak to move, instead he just growled in disappointment with himself.
”Weavile..thank Arceus...you’re alright...” Alyssa bent down and kissed his forehead. The small-bodied pokemon coughed and his trainer withdrew, looking into the medic’s eyes as he now talked to her. Pulling the Timer Ball from her belt she held it in her hand. Flygon appeared, close to his trainer and teammate, and he kept his tail as curled as possible as to avoid taking up room. ”Thank you..” Alyssa murmured before turning to face him.
”...I can tolerate the pain. Just take care of it, please. I need to get back out there and fight...a limp arm wouldn’t help me at all. So long as the burns are taken care of I’ll be fine.”
Weavile coughed again and Flygon bent his head to silently comfort his teammate.
”There doesn’t happen to be water of any sort, is there?” she asked.
Post by KANE on Jan 22, 2012 18:44:47 GMT -5
His pokemon's moves hadn't completely healed the Weavile, of course, but it had definitely helped. The bruises would go away on their own with time, and the burns that remained would just need to be bandaged regularly. Would the dark-type be able to fight later in this battle? Almost certainly not, but at least Cecil had prevented the wounds from being fatal. He wished that humans could heal as simply as pokemon, with a Heal Pulse's blast of energy. The creatures they trained made them all seem so fragile. Cecil smiled as Ms. Akiyama spoke to her newly-awakened pokemon. Nox had truly selected the best as a leader, someone who would care about her pokemon. He'd seen soldiers before who treated their team as just tools, as weapons, but had decided that it must be a Lux phenomenon, the result of a faction so obsessed with organization that they had forgotten to have emotions entirely. Nox had a heart. No time to rest, however. Another of his leader's pokemon had been wounded in the fight, if not as severely, and it was Cecil's job to make sure that this pokemon survived. Karen, of course, knew what to do when she saw a pokemon with wounds, and released a heal pulse in the Flygon's direction, glowing once more. The pulse couldn't extract the bullet from the tail, but it would keep it from causing infection or getting in the way of bones that needed to repair themselves. For a less-injured pokemon such as Flygon, the pulse would heal almost all wounds. Cecil nodded quietly at Ms. Akiyama. He'd expected as much. In her condition, going back into the battle was perhaps the worst thing she could do, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop her. He used one hand to grasp an unburned portion of her arm, and carefully attempted to remove the glove with the other. Some sections had melted into her skin, however, which complicated things. "I'm very sorry for this. Brace yourself," he said, and began to tear off the gloves. At least the melted areas were fairly small. Before he could treat the burns, he needed to remove the glove. "Not much, but some. Karen, can you fetch the water for me?" The Blissey happily obliged, used to serving as Cecil's assistant in situations such as this. He only had a small canteen, but he handed it to Alyssa so that she could drink. He then finished removing the glove, which came off easily after the melted sections had been taken care of. At least it seemed to have kept out most of the debris. The cleanliness of the arm burn relieved him. As much as the glove's removal must have hurt, picking through torn flesh was never a pleasant sensation for the recipient. He checked for debris in the wound once more and prepared to dress the wound, after which he could concern himself with the burns on her face.
Post by KANE on Jan 22, 2012 19:35:43 GMT -5
Weavile’s eyes looked around slowly, as though he were still groggy. Alyssa sighed slightly, the only thing she was grateful for was the medic’s fast action and familiarity with treating wounds. Without them, she didn’t know how Weavile would be doing, or what kind of treatment he would have gotten. It’s a relief that Nox came well-equipped for fights in this battle… she thought, glancing up as the Blissey directed another healing technique towards Flygon. The Mystic Pokemon remained standing with his head lowered, near Weavile and barely twitched when the Heal Pulse hit his side gently.
”It’s alright, Flygon...” Alyssa murmured to her pokemon. ”Everything will be alright.” The white-haired Veteran Trainer didn’t do more than glance up through her bangs at Cecil as he spoke to her, warning her for pain yet to come. Alyssa grit her teeth and prepared for the pain to come. Gripping the water canteen, she figured she could dig her nails into the side of it. Although Cecil worked fast, it didn’t seem like it was fast enough. She was very aware of it as he peeled it away from her skin, the ripping sensation tearing her glove from her skin was some of the worst physical pain she’d ever felt. A strangled cry of pain escaped her and varied between fading and growing stronger as other partially melted parts were pulled free as well.
Finally, it ended. Her eyes remained watered, and her throat felt ragged from restraining the cry. The gloves were slipped off her hands and arms, leaving them bare – a stark difference from how they had been almost non-stop for the past sixteen years. Maybe I should invest in a different pair of gloves.. she thought, blinking back the unfamiliar, watery substance from her eyes. Raising the canteen to her lips, she took a quick drink, making sure to leave some for him. Weavile could probably use some, but refuse it. Right now, his gaze was focused on her.
”..Thank you..” she said, her voice coming out as a rasp while she turned her arms slightly to give him a better view of the burns before dressing them.
Post by KANE on Jan 23, 2012 23:55:02 GMT -5
Cecil had long grown used to the fact that his medical procedures would sometimes cause the patient pain, especially when anesthetic was for some reason not an option. As much as things might hurt, he knew that he was helping the person, in the end, and that made everything worthwhile. In spite of this, he couldn't help but feel bad for causing pain to his own leader in Nox. At least the pokemon had healed nicely, he thought to himself. She cried out, and Cecil kept his eyes fixed on the arm. He didn't want to lose focus and make a mistake, of course, but he didn't want to see his leader suffering like this, either. After all, his mental image of her had always been as a powerful, somewhat distant figure, the perfect individual to lead Nox into victory. To focus on her even for a moment during a time of weakness would be rude of him. The gloves had been irreversibly damaged, but they had been removed. Cecil waited for Ms. Akiyama to take her drink, still not making any eye contact. He thought he might hear crying. Still, it was just part of his work. He was making sure that Hoenn's regional leader could continue her duties and return to the fight, and if that had to hurt, then so be it. Anything for the good of Nox. The burns on her arms would need continued care, but the best he could do right now was to try to keep them from becoming infected. The bandages had some kind of antibiotic in them anyway, but burns required special care. Her face would be a more difficult case. Normally, Ms. Akiyama would be hospitalized, and facial bandages would be no problem, but for someone who planned on being out and about, it could be an issue. He tried to be as gentle as possible when he dressed the wounds, but it was bound to hurt anyway. Cecil didn't want to seem like he was trying to speak at an inappropriate moment, but he had a recommendation to make. "After this battle, you'll need to stay in a hospital for a while. I can do my best for now, but I'm just a field medic. I can't order you to do anything, Ms. Akiyama, but I'd suggest that you get yourself long-term treatment the moment this battle ends. I know that you have duties to perform, but your health should take priority."[/color] The arms were done, now - just a temporary dressing, the best he could come up with on the spot. The burns to her face didn't look quite as severe, thankfully. Still, even after all of this, she was suffering from smoke inhalation, and even if she did want to return to the battle, she would need to return to camp and get that checked out before she did so. Cecil had finally met one of the people he truly admired and it just had to be entirely on official duty. Not much of a chance for real conversation here. He'd hated being talked to by the dentist as a child, and he could only imagine that this would be a similar situation.[/quote]
Post by KANE on Jan 24, 2012 11:43:11 GMT -5
Alyssa was grateful to herself control that her eyes did no more than water in this situation. Before this war, she had not cried in years. Even when terrible sights met her eyes she hadn’t. However, a time when she felt herself lose it from the shock of the war was on that mission with Lune, where three of their pokemon had been killed. Since then, however, her eyes had only watered as they just did. She had promised herself to never cry again during this war for whatever reason, no matter what. This pain is nothing… she told herself, gritting her teeth as he finished up.
She didn’t feel his gaze shift to her face or move from their target, and she silently thanked him for that. Looking on at a person in a moment of weakness could be considered a shameful act, and she had a feeling that he didn’t want to risk causing one of his leaders any sort of embarrassment. I’ll properly thank him for that…if I’m at all able to get in touch with him when this battle is done, perhaps we could chat a bit. She thought, before looking up at the sound of his voice.
Stay in the hospital for a while?
Her first reaction was annoyance, soon followed by a flash of indignant defiance. However, she told herself that unlike him, treatment of wounds was not her area of specialty, and she should take his words wisely. Keeping her expression level, she nodded slightly as he continued speaking. He was right – although he could not order her to do anything, he could at least make a recommendation. His words would not be let go easily, either, and they would get her utmost consideration.
”I understand…thank you. “
Turning slightly to face him, she looked up so that he could tend to the burns on her face. ”As stated, I plan on returning to the fight once youre done, but I will see to it that I get myself proper treatment.”
Silently, though, she added When I have the time and I’m not fighting on the front lines and waited
Post by KANE on Jan 26, 2012 15:54:09 GMT -5
Cecil silently feared that his leader might not follow his advice, but it was not his place to tell her what to do. He could only hope that, whatever she did, she didn't get hurt too badly. This was a battle, he knew, and injuries were more or less inevitable, but Nox needed Alyssa, and they just couldn't have her out of action for too long. It might give Lux a sense of false confidence, as if they could somehow win the battle. Maybe now that he'd met Ms. Akiyama in combat circumstances, it would be easier for them to meet again, when they could have a nice little talk. He had so many things to say, and he shunned all of these thoughts to continue his work as swiftly as possible. The best thing he could do for his leader right now was to treat her as well as he could. Now, it was time to bandage her face. Cecil reached a gloved hand towards the affected skin, looking for any debris. Alyssa's gloves had pained her to remove, but they had at least kept her arms clean, for the most part. Upon close inspection, although he made sure to touch the sensitive skin as little and as lightly as possible, there were bits of charred... something, perhaps flesh or perhaps something from the battlefield, but either way certainly a hazard. This needed to be removed at once. "I know this will be difficult, Ms. Akiyama, but please try not to wince or move your facial muscles too much. I need to clean your wounds as quickly and painlessly as is possible." He hoped this didn't cause him to leave a poor first impression. If someone had picked at Cecil's facial wounds on a first meeting, he couldn't say he'd be too eager to see them again. "Karen, could I have my forceps? You've been doing great at helping out so far. Keep it up." The Blissey quietly obeyed, the perfect medic's assistant of a pokemon. Cecil would have to pick out the bigger pieces of debris with his forceps and then flush the wounds with saline. Carefully, he began the former task, completely focused. All in a day's work.
Post by KANE on Jan 27, 2012 20:36:01 GMT -5
Alyssa remained silent after she spoke and gazing to the right of Cecil’s body as though she were in a daze, something that would lead one to fear that she may be in a state of shell-shock. However, she still had her wits and mind about her, luckily enough. She was thinking, a bit deeper than she perhaps should have been at that moment. She was thinking about what she may face when she left the care of medical attention, and how she would battle. Weavile was a key to her team – he had access to a range of moves that could attack an array of enemies coupled with his high speed and attacking power. However, he was a bit fragile. He loved to focus on his attacks and not so much defending.
A trait that I may be gaining from him… Alyssa mused silently, nodding a bit absently when she heard Cecil’s voice again. ”Yes sir…” her words were murmured, and she glanced up at him through her bangs before looking back down to Weavile, whose eyes were darting about as he watched his surroundings, wary of any possible incoming threat. She heard Flygon’s voice, comparable to a soft murmur as he seemed to be comforting Weavile. Although she didn’t understand what they said, she could at least guess what they meant.
”…just do what you must.” With that, she braced herself for possible pain, inhaling slowly and deeply while closing her eyes before letting the air out quietly in a sigh, relaxing as many muscles as she could afford to. ”You have well-trained pokemon…Nox is lucky to have them assisting you in taking care of our wounded, Cecil…” she told him quietly, steeling herself physically with a swallow.
Post by KANE on Jan 29, 2012 0:43:32 GMT -5
Ms. Akiyama seemed pensive, and Cecil couldn't blame her. Focusing on one's own thoughts helped keep the mind off of pain, after all, and her burns were doubtless painful. He wished she hadn't refused the anaesthetic, but he supposed that a leader would feel obliged to fight for her people. The pokemon stood off to the side, apparently doing fairly well. He trusted his leader to tolerate the pain. After all, Nox wouldn't have appointed any but the strongest of individuals to such a high position. Cecil had to prevent himself from beaming inappropriately while preparing to pick debris from Ms. Akiyama's face. She'd complimented him, and he could think of no greater honor than for such a high-ranked Nox member to compliment his skill at his job. He had always tried to serve his faction the best that he could. It was nice to know that he had made a good impression upon his leader during their first meeting so far. Taking the forceps in his hand, he carefully picked at the wounds on her face, making sure not to be more intrusive than necessary. Even though some debris was present, it could have been much worse, and Cecil was thankful for that. Carefully, he picked up the pieces of burnt debris and extracted them from the wound, discarding them on the ground for lack of a proper trash receptacle. It must have hurt, but he couldn't risk an elevated chance of infection. "Karen, put these off to the side so that I can sterilize them once I'm done,"[/color] he commented, handing his Blissey the forceps. "I'm sorry, Ms. Akiyama, but I'm not quite done. I'll need to rinse out your wounds with saline to make infection less likely. It shouldn't sting or hurt, but it'll feel a bit weird. Karen, could you pass me the saline?" Cecil turned to address his pokemon for the last sentence, and she cheerily obeyed, handing the small bottle to her trainer. "Could you tilt your head back just a little, please, Ms. Akiyama? After this, I'll just need to bandage the wounds and that'll be it. You've been an excellent patient so far, not that I expected anything less."[/quote]
Post by KANE on Jan 29, 2012 10:27:40 GMT -5
Alyssa’s initial instinct to pull away from the foreceps picking at her face was almost overpowering. Although she’d never been the sort of girl to be heavily into something like physical appearances, makeup, and the rest of the list of superficial things, burns on her face hurt. Having them picked at – albeit delicately – with forceps was no walk in the park and she disliked it greatly. Perhaps it was just that something was near her eyes, or perhaps it was the pain caused by it. Either way, Alyssa forced herself to sit still and allow her medic to continue with his job.
”That’s fine...” she murmured in response to his warning. If anything, she had a feeling getting her wounds splashed out with saline would be like relief compared to what she’d been feeling so far, weird or not. She obliged his request by tilting her head back, raising her blue eyes towards the sky through the white bangs. They had been blackened by ash, but it was nothing that wouldn’t wash out after this battle. He works quickly and steadily...his concentration and aptitude are something I’ve not noticed in other medics...save for a crisis of a situation. People failed to realize that the higher-ranking positions of an organization were weaker without the lower-ranking members beneath them.
A Leader cannot lead if there is nobody to lead.. she thought, closing her eyes in preparation of the dousing of saline. ”Just keep working as you are...and let me know when youre done.” she gave him a small smile, her skin pulling at the burns for the sake of the expression. ”I’ll be able to head out there in no time.”
Post by KANE on Jan 29, 2012 19:37:30 GMT -5
Cecil was amazed at how still Ms. Akiyama had managed to stay as he removed the debris from her facial wounds. Almost everyone was somewhat adverse to people picking at their face, and it took a lot of self-control not to flinch away or at least twitch a little bit. Her stillness made the process easier than usual, something for which he was very glad. As she leaned back her head, he opened up the bottle of saline, ready to disinfect the burns. Carefully, he poured it over the wounded areas, rinsing away what he hadn't been able to remove with the forceps. He had trained for quite a while and put a lot of effort into being the best medic he could, and as a result had become pretty good at what he did. Despite all of his efforts, however, he was still just a medic, and Nox's general lack of ranks had kept him from promotion. Finishing the rinse, Cecil closed the bottle of saline and handed it to Karen to put back in his pack. There, almost finished. "Could you hand me some burn bandages, please? Thank you, Karen." Once again, his pokemon listened. There was a reason he didn't often let his Blissey out into actual combat, even compared to his other pokemon: she was invaluable as a helper for his medic duties. As he prepared the dressings - it was difficult, to fit them to her face without restricting much mobility - Cecil looked over at his leader. "Watch the smoke inhalation, ma'am. I can't treat that sort of thing with just first aid supplies, and it could be rather dangerous. If your symptoms start worsening, I advise you to head to camp and get it treated. I know I may sound overly worried to you, but I only have your health in mind." He gave a small smile. "This is my job, after all. I wanted to be a nurse before the war, and now I've tried to make use of my skills for Nox."[/color][/quote]